Wednesday, May 15, 2019

La gran fábrica de las palabras by Agnes de Lestrade

This is a beautiful book--both the story and the pictures.  It takes place in a world where you have to buy words, and where some words are more expensive than others.  It's just as profound as it sounds.  And sweetly touching.

Es un libro hermoso--ambos el cuento y las picturas.  Toma lugar en un mundo donde se tiene que comprar palabras, y unos son más caras que otras.  Es tan profundo como sueña.  Y muy dulce. 

The author, Agnes de LeStrade, and the illustrator, Valeria Docampo, did a fantastic job. 

It's originally in French, with a title that I believe translates the same as the Spanish version:  "The Great Word Factory." 

English speakers, sadly your title ended up "Phileas's Fortune:  A Story about Self-Expression."  Seriously, what sort of marketing choice was that?  But check it out anyway.  It's a
beautiful, beautiful book.

Now I want to check out more books both this artist and illustrator.

Phileas's Fortune on Amazon
La gran fábrica de las palabras on Amazon

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