Monday, September 21, 2020

This Day in History: Globe Mexican Food

A trip to Globe/Miami, Arizona, home to the best Mexican food in the world (as you can see from the bites already taken from the enchilada):

Also home to lots of cute painted kitties in downtown Miami:



Monday, September 14, 2020

This Day in History--Climbing Towers and Rocks


Bruges (Brugge), Belgium, from the bell tower
Sept 14, 2007  

Me, rock climbing in the Jeseniky mountains, Czechia.
Okay, not really rock climbing.  More like small boulder scrambling.  
It's just the camera angle.
Sept 14, 2016  

Sunday, September 13, 2020

This Day in History--Spas and President Lincoln

A well for curative water at the spa town of Lázně Jeseník, Czechia
They're sprinkled around the curative walking trail through the woods
Czechs really do spa towns in style. 
Sept 13, 2016 

Statue of Lincoln, near Laramie, Wyoming
Sept 13, 2010


Saturday, September 12, 2020

This Day in History--Water and Dancing

Esch-sur-Sûre, Luxembourg--2007

Czech folk festival, Vsetin, Czechia--2009

Water mill, Jeseniky mountains, Czechia--2016