I like lists, especially lists of books. So here is my list of
The Best Books I Read in 2015

These are brilliant YA science-fictiony takes on classic
fairytales What's so great is that
Marissa Meyer stays true to the original tales while putting her own absolutely
unique spin on them. The writing is
good, the story absorbing. I also
enjoyed Scarlet, the second book of
the series, but not as much as Cinder
(#1) and Cress (#3).
This is a non-fiction account of a winter spent alone in a
research station in Antarctica. Richard
E Byrd, the intrepid explorer, was also a good writer. I found it intensely interesting, despite a
few aspects that dragged a little. It's
a real peak into a life completely different than mine (and probably yours).
This juvi urban fantasy charmed me right from the beginning,
despite the heavy reliance on coincidence.
Lauren Oliver's style is clean and pure and beautiful in a simple way
that looks easy—but isn’t. The
illustrations by Kei Acedera really capture the mood and characters. It's a magical book, with moments of real
emotional depth.
Awesome premise. If
you don't know what it's about, get a copy of the book and read it. You'll be glad you did. Though the description dragged in the middle,
the beginning and end were absolutely engrossing. And Lord Henry sure had some killer lines.
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